

One of these days, my phone might just implode on me. By implode I mean format itself for lack of space. The constant never ending pop up on my notification panel about storage space running out is seriously becoming a nightmare. 

I can literally delete a folder right now and think,"Phew! that should do it" and the next few minutes, the pop up is back. It's like an annoying little mosquito. Pesky, is what it is. 

Anyway, that's not the focus of this story though. I'd best get into it before I get lost in the rambling jungle of my mind. 

Like I mentioned, I've had to delete quite a lot from my phone and it seems the more I delete, the more inadequate the space. I've been reluctant to go through my Gallery, particularly the screenshot and snapchat folder as both folder represent the spaces where I like to freeze moments more than any other folder. So I kept dragging my feet to get to those folders until I could not hold it off anymore. 

Picture by picture, bit by bit, I was finally able to let go of certain memories that didn't hold as much sentiment. Turns out, it was a lot and did clear up quite an amount of space. The respite from that annoying incessant pop up was nothing short of bliss.

But remember that notion about pesky mosquitoes? Alas! My victory was to be short lived. Oh well.

One week after and it was back. Oh! How I wanted to scream. This may not seem like much to you but it is for me because it means I can do almost nothing on my phone; my WhatsApp keeps locking me out, I can't download new apps on my playstore, my email doesn't work anymore and for a while I couldn't receive new emails nor send any. It just kept on piling up in my outbox. Why? No space!! Ugh! The list just goes on and on.

I've been in this constant battle for a while and one day I found myself going back to my gallery checking again what I could possibly delete, yet again. This time I wasn't working with sentiments. I had a job to do and I told myself I had to do it regardless.

When I approached it with that mentality, I realized that a lot of videos and pictures that seemed like such a big deal weren't really that much of a showstopper. Of course, there are some pictures that are like a no entrance zone while there were also some that I held dear few weeks ago that no longer seemed dear. 

This made me think of how we can be so clouded by our emotions, so stuck in revolving situations. But when we pause for a bit and look out without the fog of emotions, everything becomes just a bit more clear. 

I stepped out of sentimental Sylvia for a moment and got into work-mode Sylvia. I could look at certain pictures and videos objectively and realize I really didn't need to cluster my phone with them. Beautiful memories as they were, I really didn't need to cluster my phone with them. 

Emotion is such a tricky business blinding us sometimes and if we don't know the time and place for it we can often let ourselves be overwhelmed by it's force. You can choose to step out of that ocean or sea of emotion so you can see better. 

Like concave lens to a myopic person, or convex to a hypermetropic person; amplify your sight, control your emotions. Really look!

"For there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end there of is destruction."

Master your emotion!

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