Being You

Some weeks back, on one of those rare occasions, I went out on "a date" with a friend.

It was a double date scenario and when it was time, we were picked up. Yes, my date had a car and came with his friend. I came with my friend and he came with his. We didn't know the location till we got there. It was just a spot to hangout where people could watch football, chow on chicken or fish and have a drink.

Before then, we, my friend and I and our date, had had a somewhat pre conversation about what kind of drinks we would take. Of course, I said soft drink was okay for me as I don't take alcohol and my friend echoed same. They didn't take us seriously at first and asked us to be serious about the kind of drink we wanted. We both still said the same thing. Then he asked, "What if the establishment doesn't have soft drinks on sale?" My answer was, "I'm sure they have water, so I'll have water".

When we got to the spot, our dates met up with a mutual friend of theirs. This friend was puffing out smoke in rapid succession and had consumed a considerable amount of alcohol evident by the bottles on the table. That right there was a big X for us.

Anyways,  it was time to order and the question of what we would drink came up again. I chuckled out water but then after further questioning of their menu found out they had Malt, so we both went with that. In the process of placing that order, our date was trying to be nice and play smart to his own understanding. He suggested we go for Smirnoff Ice as the alcohol content is not very high. We declined. Then, like a lightbulb went off in his head, he said, "Why not star radler? It's alcohol content is just 2%" we of course declined again.
Now, this friend of theirs they had met at the spot was taken aback and didn't fail to express it. He was quick to intervene that star Radler was really good for ladies and all and wouldn't make us inebriated in any way. We still reiterated that we don't take alcohol at all and he was shocked to say the least.

Next, he asked, if we had ever been to a club or ever gone clubbing and to that we said No. Never have, never will. The intensity at which this interrogation, that's what it felt like, was happening made my friend who was my plus 1 to feel a tad uncomfortable and in a bit to not seem so "weird" in their eyes blurted out, "It's because of how we were brought up, that's why." Though true, however, when she made that statement, something in me just couldn't settle. Not because the statement was wrong but because she was made to feel embarrassed by her good choice to stay away from taking alcohol and that I could not stand for.
Mind you, I don't judge anyone that do either of these things. I don't support it, but I don't judge those who do it. If you decide to take alcohol despite the adverse effect it has on your health, that's on you. Though for us Christian's who know that our bodies are a temple where the very Spirit of God dwells, then I believe we can be a little conscious of the things we let into our bodies especially those things we know for a fact will only harm us. Today's post isn't a sermon on alcohol being bad or not but rather about being unapologetic about who you are and the choices you make when you are convinced that it's the right one. No one should make you feel embarrassed for being you.

Let me tell you another story. So you should have figured out by now that I'm a Church girl and my life revolves around the things of God. Honestly, if you observe my movements in school, its pretty easy to see that. If I'm not having lectures then I must be in Church and if I'm not in church, I'm at home and the very few times I'm not at home, I'm with my friends. That's my life and I'm very okay with it.

Now, one day, I was just at the veranda of the lodge, I think I went to fetch water outside because water must have stopped flowing inside the room. On getting there, I was somewhat engaged by a male and though I can't remember what conversation led to this statement but the guy called me a deeper life person in this condescending tone to get me to feel embarrassed.

When he did, I laughed so hard because he chose the wrong person to say those words to and in that tone, gosh! I've made peace with my Christianity, both as a lifestyle and as a religion and it is not something I'm ashamed of. As a matter of fact, I am very very proud of it.

Before I go further, I'd better explain that most times when people refer to you as "deeper life," they don't mean it as a compliment because deeper life is seen to be an unattractive side of christianity. So people use them as a way to categorize that though you are a good person, you're unattractive. That is of course silly, because in Christ no one is unattractive.

Often times, I've had people take verbal jabs at me so I'd feel embarrassed by the fact that I love God and the things that concern Him, or the fact that I've decided to abstain from certain indulgences However, this choice I made for me and I'm very proud of it. Those closest to me are proud of it, why should I have to feel embarrassed for being me and being comfortable in the good choices I've made just because it doesn't fit with the standards of the world?

So now I'm sure you can understand why that statement my friend made rubbed me the wrong way.

Whatever lifestyle you subscribe to, so long as it's right and you and those closest to you are at peace with it, then be proud of it. Be proud of the choices you've made. Do not let anyone get you to apologise for being you!

Haven't you heard? "You are wonderfully and fearfully made." You are too special and unique, a one of a kind individual. The world doesn't get to take that away from you just because it doesn't fit into their definition of what a 21st century youth should be.

You are a called and set apart generation, ordained for Glory, what's there to be embarrassed about?

Today I charge you, as sheep before wolves, as doves before snakes, be unapologetically you!

As you grow confident in who you are and the choices you make, I can see your light break forth from within and the darkness unable to comprehend it.


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