Party Crasher

It's been almost a week after my birthday and I can't help buy make random detours to the screenshot folder on my phone's gallery.

This is because it holds all the screenshots of write ups and personal messages many compose on my birthdays. For me, these are the yardsticks to tell if I am really making a difference like I want to and in the area that I hope to. It helps me know the areas I need to improve on, where to channel more of my energy and how best to do that. I often find myself so emotional after a walk through that folder.

Sometimes I can't believe the things people say, sometimes it's hard to imagine that its really me that's being celebrated in that capacity. I'm sure you can imagine how emotional I get with all that display of praise and affection.

During these kinds of moments, the thought that, "I've got to do more, be more" tends to go through my head. I don't want to be celebrated in the future for the victories of the past year. I don't want that by 2030 people can only celebrate the victory of 2021 because I didn't go beyond my present boundaries.

Yes, I've accomplished certain goals, but I dont want to build a monument around it. I don't want to run with a past, outdated and fading Glory but something present and concurrent.

This reminds me of a birthday party I once attended and what happened when the time came to introduce certain key friends of the celebrant, members of the high table you could say. Might I add that the celebrant was about 10 years or more older than I am. So I'm sure you can tell that his friends would be about the same age.

One striking thing that put me on edge was the title they used to back up their introductions. One introduced himself as a one time Student Union Government back when he was in the University which was almost 5 to 6 years ago. You could here similar titles and introductions of certain offices held while they were students.

This put me on edge because none of them were speaking about their current titles or offices. Not one person could boast of a notable or pronounced office/title he was currently holding. All you could hear was a "one time this" and "one time that" or 5 years ago, I was the this president and that president. All the titles mentioned where stuck in the past and was completely irrelevant in that moment.

After that experience, I promised myself I would never let that be me; riding on the wings of a Glory that had faded and was practically non existent.

The worst part about it was that at the time, the remaining guests were not students so most of the title made absolutely no meaning to the rest of the crowd. So whatever Prestige they felt they had come in with was not even recognised.

It's so important, that we learn to celebrate today's victories without making a monument out of it. Celebrate it as a stepping stone to greater and bigger. No need to go about building a castle all over that.

This reminds me of the time Jesus took Peter, James and John to pray just before he was going to be betrayed by Judas and subsequently crucified. After he reached a certain zenith in His prayer, it was recorded that Moses and Elijah came to him, servants of God who had died years ago reappeared and communicated with him.

Peter seeing this great feat said he would build a temple right in that place of transfiguration. Jesus rebuked him that there were deeper dimensions to the things of the Spirit.

In the same way, I want to encourage, push and remind you not to settle for yesterday's Glory. Push forward for today's Glory. Don't build a monument around a victory, make a ladder out of it, one you can climb to a greater heights never attained.
There are deeper dimensions to that victory, there are greater feats to accomplish, please do not settle or get complacent and think you've arrived. There's still so much more out there.

Don't Settle!


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