Stick With It

Stick With It

Today, I had my Sister come to me with a concern. She was perturbed that her chats with her best friend or at least one of them was usually quite dry and simply not as fun as when they are together or speaking on the phone. Then she relates the exact opposite experience for another of her best friends.

This dilemma was very relatable as I had the exact problem with my best friends too. My chat with my Bestie is usually very sparse and almost non existent. However, when it's with another of my bestfriend I like to call, "Tweeny" as we share a lot of similarities, I realised our chats are a lot more active and frequent. When I realized this I was worried, I thought maybe I was being partial in my relationships, so I made the choice to try and engage my Bestie more on WhatsApp as that's my favoured platform.

The more I tried, the more uninterested I got. It just always felt forced and pretty soon I just stopped. So one day I was letting it play out in my head, I guess you could say I was meditating. I was trying to understand why it seemed the way it was when The Holy Spirit explained it to me in a, "Eureka" moment. That's when I learnt what I'm about to tell you

Every relationship has it's own dynamic, it's own melody and song. One style could work for a relationship but not necessarily for the other. Once I understood and accepted this, I felt relieved and it gave me courage to channel my efforts properly. I knew that to maintain my relationship with my Bestie, I either had to call her or go see her in person. However, when it came to my Tweeny, WhatsApp was perfect for us. It's okay, I'm leading somewhere with this, so let's journey together.
I've come to understand that every relationship has it's own style, you could even say it's own formula. As you apply the perfect formula for each relationship you'll see it blossom. Now the best part is that this ideology is not just applicable to relationships alone but to life in general. Let me elaborate on this using my study habit. There's a big picture here, I hope you can be patient to follow till the end.
By God's Grace, I'm a great student, my grades are high enough that it makes my loved ones proud, including myself. Because of this, I've often had people ask me about my study habits. "How do you read?" That's usually the question I receive from colleagues who want to "amp up" their academic game. Most times, I get the impression they are looking for some secret formula but there's really none

Studying takes discipline no matter the style employed. However, I realized that discovering your reading pattern can really help form a good study habit. Having undergone 5 semesters, I've come to discover my reading style which I'll introduce you to of course.
I love to read in the mornings, I love how waking up feels like especially when I've had a good night sleep. I wake up alert and itching to get to work. I guess it explains why I love working in the mornings even till now. So, I realized that I love to read between the hours of 5:00am to 10:00am. However, when I read in the afternoons I realized I can't read for long stretches. I take breaks, maybe every two hours, same with evenings too. I could read for two hours then take like an hour to 2 hours break after in the afternoons and evenings. I can only read at a stretch during mornings. I also realized I read better when I've got a reading target. It could be to finish an entire course that day or a particular number of chapters taught in the course. I also hate reading in a sterile environment like a library. All that quiet is very unsettling for me and makes me feel like someone is watching which is literally true though. I love reading in a place I've come to mentally associate with comfort which is often time my room. So you can guess, I've never done night class and I doubt I ever will. Lastly, I love to document my thoughts and the way I understand the concept of whatever it is I'm reading. I put them down in my own words. I have a 60 or 80 leaves exercise book for that. You should see it, it really is something; 12 courses crammed into a single exercise book, lol. Of course, there's my not so secret ingredient, "The Holy Spirit" who's always there to remind me when I forget.

I know at this point you're wondering, "What is she getting at?" This is it. We are constantly in motion in this world, matter against space, atom against matter, You could just sat atom against atom, matter against matter, Particle against particle, Man against Nature, the environment against man, even life against death. Regardless, you can see that we are consistently in tandem with the world and this synchronicity has created different pathways, patterns, styles, strategies and methods, to help us reach an equilibrium state from which we can solve our problems and live a fulfilled life.

One style may work in a situation, in a relationship, in an issue even for oneself but it may not work in all situations or relationships or for every endeavor. This is why it's important that you discover your dynamic and stick with it. Find your tune and sing it. Find your beat and keep playing it. If you find out that it dosen't work for you anymore, then change it

It's like the story in The Bible where Elijah thought He was the last Priest standing and God tells him, "I've reserved 7000 in my name who have not bowed to Baal." Hah! Imagine that, 7000 possibilities to choose from. 7000 possibilities for you to discover which works for you. If none, then you can always create the 7001.

All I'm saying is that you discover the style that's uniquely tailored for you and stick with it. Remember, there are thousands of possibilities to choose from. Take a moment to discover your song, discover your beat and even your dance move (winks).


  1. It's exactly as uu have written. I love this one syl. Different people different pattern.
    1. Glad you agree🙂
  2. Inspiring piece
    This made my morning
    1. Wow!
      I'm blessed that it did
  3. Very interesting,knowledgeable and insightful. Keep it up
    1. Thank you, Sure will!
  4. Slai Dee as I call you, immediately you mentioned that "stick with it" was gonna inspire me, I had to check it out ASAP. I love this piece, you're such a great writer and that inspires me too.
    Apparently we share same reading pattern����, library and night class are no go area because I've understood what works for me and I'm sticking with it!!! Kudos cousin!!
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