
Lather Up


So my Twin sister is really a jack of all trade kind of person. She could just be on YouTube, learn about something and get better at it without any form of formal training. 

That's my Julie for you and recently one of her new interests was soap making. This was sparked by the fact that she just wanted to make organic soap that would be perfect for her skin tone and color and so off she went to YouTube. Pretty soon she was making her own organic soap. 

Smart girl that I am, I was on the look out for one myself to help with my skin and I was quick to get her to make one for me. 

I've been steadily using her homemade organic soap for more than a year now and I absolutely enjoy it. So this year just before going back for my final semester I requested her to make another stash as I had run out and she did. However, she made the consistency of this one to be a bit thicker than the previous ones. 

At the time, I didn't try using the soap when we were together. As much as she told me it was thicker, I didn't think it would be that thick. 

So getting to school and trying to use the soap and I literally have to scrub the soap on my sponge to get it to lather. 

You know the most painful part, I'd scrub the soap on the sponge and think this should be enough, then I would use the sponge to scrub my hands and the lather would dry up almost immediately. I'm shedding imaginary tears right now, Lol. 

It turns out that I usually have to go back in with the soap 2-3 times for the lather to be enough for my entire body. 

This reminds me of a passage in the Bible after God had ordained the levites as the priestly tribe. Those whose duty it is to offer sacrifices on behalf of the nation of Israel. 

After that, God commanded Moses to tell Aaron who was basically second in command to Moses who was the leader of the Israeli tribe saying, "And the fire upon the altar shall be burning in it; it shall not be put out: and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning. The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out." 

This made me realise that we have a responsibility to keep fanning the flame of our passion whether for a loved one, a project, a business, etc. Like my soap, you may have to apply it 2 to 3 times a day or a week or a month or even a year. 

You used to love something or someone and now you don't, it's because you stopped fanning the flames. Remember God instructed the priests to put wood which is fuel every morning so incase the fire was dying out, once the wood was introduced, the fires raged again. 

You know your wood, your fuel? That thing that you do that reignites the passion, that keeps the flame burning, do it! 

Every day, every week, every month, as many times as possible throw in the wood, add that fuel but by all means, keep the fire burning. Let it's flames not die out. 

No one else has the responsibility of doing it for you but yourself! 

Fan the flames and the fire will not go out!

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