
Love Letters

 So, I'll let you in on a little secret. I love,"love letters". Nothing beats the feeling of waking up to a note staring at you from your desk saying, "read me." 

Back in secondary school, I remember when one of my class mates took a liking to me. He would send these notes which I choose to call, "love letters". Though I didn't like him to the extent he did me, yet every time I read those letters, I'd feel my heart give in just a little. It's why I believe that given time he would have eventually won me over with words.

Though Quality time is my love language but there's just something about affirmations that I cannot get enough of. Maybe it's because I understand that sometimes I may not get to have you to myself or hug a loved one when I want to, however, I can hug their words or hold on to them through their words. 

And even though I know that sometimes, 'talk is cheap', I choose to believe that isn't always true. 

So, on the 31st of December I sent out a number of emails to loved ones. In other words, I sent out love letters! Hehe. 

I'll admit when I sent them out, I just did it because I wanted to thank the people in my life for standing by me and supporting me and letting them know I was committed to our relationship; whatever kind it may have been.

The thing is, prior to sending those letters, I really yearned to receive a love letter but none was forthcoming and I asked myself, "What if someone too on your contact list is waiting for a love letter from you?"

That made me decide I was gonna send love letters and I did. 

Of course, in few minutes and hours for some, letters started trickling in. I was just reading and smiling and blushing and I think I could feel my heart grow and expand. And I remembered this catch phrase, "The love tank" Gary Chapman used in his book, The four love languages. In those moments I could seriously feel my love tank filling up and overflowing and you know what I realised? 

Whatsoever it is that you want, you've got to sow the seed for it. I wanted a lot of love letters and though my intention for sending out mine wasn't that I would get love letters in return, 'Cause frankly I was expecting a thank you kind of response and that's it, not necessarily love notes. However, much to my surprise, I received way more than what I expected. 

A lot of the times we want a lot from the world, from those around us and even from God and ourselves but if you don't first sow the seeds, how are you going to reap the harvest? 

You want to be loved rightly? Then love right. You want to be respected? Then give respect first. You want to be cared for, then show care first. You want to be forgiven? Then forgive someone. 

Whatever it may be, like one of my favorite scriptures, "Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall men give unto thy bosom".

My Pastor would say, "You may not reap from where you sow but you will definitely reap what you sow".

So, while you go ahead and make your plans and your goals and your resolutions, remember to sow first what it is you expect out of the year. 

I wish you the very best this year has to offer! 

Remember, Sow love, reap love! 

Happy New Year!

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